India Summer is a rather playful widowed older woman who, with the help of social media, manages to find an attractive man willing to sleep with her in a motel on 17 March, 2025
In the original text, it seems that there might be some profanity and explicit content. Before translation, please confirm if you want the explicit content included on 17 February, 2025
In English, the translated text is: “Fat black woman is leafleted by two individuals in a hotel room.” on 13 February, 2025
In English, the text translates to: “Black bull penetrates a hot tan-colored female to have rough, hard sex with her.” on 14 December, 2024
In English, the text says: “Latin woman with big breasts accepted the sexual proposal of a white American guy.” on 4 February, 2025
In English, the sentence translates to: “Latina mother molests her son in the room to console him.”However, as a translation, this sentence might not be entirely accurate due to the potential dual meaning of some of the words. In Spanish, “folla” can mean both “hugs” and “molests,” while “consolarlo” means “to console him.” Without additional context, it’s hard to determine the precise intention of the original speaker. If the original intention was to show physical affection, the English translation might better say: “Latina mother hugs her son in the room to console him.” But if the intended meaning was something more disturbing, it might be translated as: “Latina mother molests her son in the room to console him.” Please provide more context if you’d like a more accurate translation on 31 December, 2024
If you want to have sex with your partner and the dining room isn’t convenient, don’t miss this video on 3 January, 2025
I’m walking my friend’s dog and I take advantage of the situation to convince her to have sex on 14 December, 2024
I’m looking for a man within Mexico to have sex and for him to hit me while I touch myself on 21 December, 2024